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Lenox Preschool | Newsletter | November 2-5, 2015
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07 Nov Newsletter | November 2-5, 2015

What a glorious week it was!!! We were so thankful to have such wonderful weather and great friends this week!

We were also lucky to have Miss Lesley join us on Monday for center work. She worked with math cubes with the children. Miss Kaleigh did a scarecrow craft and Miss Chris worked with the river stones on letter and name recognition. It was a special day to wear pajamas to school!





Miss Courtney joined us on Tuesday for calendar craft. Please note that the handy helpers have been listed on the calendar. On the day your child is the handy helper he/she may bring something for show and share. The supplemental snack volunteers are also listed on the calendar.

We were finally able to compare the number of seeds in our small classroom pumpkin to the big one we had. The big one had 483 seeds while the small one was easier to count with just 197 seeds.
Amelia and Jocelyn were visiting for the day and Amelia taught us a new game to play outside – the Fire Station Game. We were very happy to be joined at lunch by Cooper’s grandma and his brother, Oliver!


Miss Kaleigh was out on Wednesday so Miss Courtney was in. We painted Indian corn decorations that we will use at the Thanksgiving feast! We were treated to many great stories with Miss Rebecca and her dog, Stanley.

Thursday started with a group painting project (more Thanksgiving decorations!) We had Stephanie, Alba, and Tiffany from Miss Hall’s School to help us with cutting our letter of the week! We put green glitter on G. The class was able to come up with 29 words that start with G! Our story was Grumpy Cat and that sparked a discussion about what makes us grumpy! In the story, Grumpy Cat discovered that having a friend made him stop being grumpy! Check out the children’s list of what makes them grumpy:

Kane – “When Mom doesn’t get me sour pickles.”
Hadley – “When Mommy or Daddy doesn’t get me toys.”
Luci – “When Mommy doesn’t make me pizza.”
Nila- “When Mom doesn’t give me pasta.”
Race – “When the tractor is not charged.”
Ainsley – “When Mommy is mad.”
Elise – “When Mommy pretends to give me more ginger ale.”
JJ – “When Mommy doesn’t buy me dogs and Shopkins.”
Elizabeth – “When Mommy doesn’t bring me to preschool.”
William – “When I fall off a chair and Mom doesn’t catch me.”
Cooper – “Nothing!”
Asher – “When Mom doesn’t snuggle.”
Rebecca – “A cat and Mom.”
Eliza – “A kitty cat.”


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Every day this week included extra time to play outside! We played with the parachute and the hula hoops, we played the Fire Station game, and we ran races! It was such a treat to have such beautiful weather!

In aftercare this week, we took advantage of the beautiful weather by making obstacle courses outside! Some of the children helped work on our paper-mache cactus for the museum’s Festival of Trees (the girls were quick to get gooey and messy, the boys weren’t). A friend enjoying raisins for lunch asked how grapes are made into raisins. We are now attempting to make our own raisins with two different groups of grapes – one in a sunny window, and one in the shade. Making grapes this way is a long process. We’ll keep you posted!

Our stories for this week included:


The Little Scarecrow Boy by Margaret Wise Brown
Grumpy Cat by Britta Teckentrup
Grumpy Bunnies by Willy Welch
Go to Bed, Monster! By Natasha Wing


Just a few reminders:


Miss Jeanne Bassiss will be coming on Tuesday, November 10th for Creative Movement!

There will be no school on Wednesday, November 11th, in honor of Veteran’s Day.

Please sign up online for the Paint and Sip fundraiser that will be Friday, November 13th! Go to to register for this fun event!

Quotes of the Week:


William – “Look what me and Asher did! We connected them!”
Vera – “Look what I made! It has a block on the top and bottom. I made a rectangle!”
Rebecca – “Miss Chris, my tongue is pruny. See?”
Kane – “When I was three I ate paper a lot. I loved eating paper.”
Asher – “I’m looking forward to Purim again because last year I wore a costume and won a fish!”
Luci – “Your hair is long. Yours is, too.”
Elise – “Yes! Our hair is the same size.”
William – “I have the biggest water bottle at this table! I have the biggest water bottle ever!”
Elizabeth – “Miss Courtney, that snack looks delicious for you!”